Deep cover
Deep cover

Kick the Son of a Bitch: While Barbossa's murder of Eddie was needlessly cruel, Eddie did have it coming.If You're So Evil, Eat This Kitten!: When it becomes necessary to take out a competing drug dealer, Russell actually goes ahead and kills him.He continues to pursue Russell and his associates and endangers Russell's own investigation into the Gallegos Cartel at several points. Hero Antagonist: Taft is an LAPD narcotics detective who believes that Russell (an undercover cop working for the DEA) is just some ordinary drug dealer recently moved into town who's spreading that crap to get rich off it.

deep cover

Russell had anticipated this, and distributed copies to the press beforehand. When Guzman's crimes are brought to light, several members demand that the evidence be destroyed, as it will inevitably embarass the current administration and possibly hurt US-Mexico relations.

  • Hauled Before a Senate Sub-Committee: After Russell deals a crippling blow to the Gallegos cartel and implicates Mexican diplomat Hector Guzman as a high-level drug trafficker, he is brought before a House Judiciary Committee hearing to report his findings to the public representatives.
  • Ear Ache: Gallegos makes it clear to Russell that he considers him beneath him by ripping off his earring.
  • Carver attempts to arrest him, but Russell turns the tables and continues his mission to take down Gallegos.
  • Cowboy Cop: Russell starts to go against his superior's orders to protect David from Barbossa by killing the latter.
  • and is also the kingpin of a drug cartel with his nephew Gallegos as the front man.
  • Corrupt Politician: Hector Guzman is a prominent Latin American diplomat who plays golf with George Bush Sr.
  • Because if it did, there'd be a lot fewer arrests and a lot more dead cops.) The entrapment clause doesn't work that way. Real cops don't have to tell their marks that they're undercover. (Note: This is actually a case of Artistic License - Law. So he just tells them the truth in a way that makes it seem ridiculous. And of course, if he tells the truth, they'll kill him. If he lies, then any future arrest would be worthless because it'd be considered "entrapment".
  • Cassandra Gambit: Russell has to Take a Third Option when asked by a gang of thugs if he's an undercover cop.
  • Russell and David realize that Gallegos has no intention of working with them even if they pay the debt, so they orchestrate his murder as well to force Gallegos' uncle to make a new deal in person. He makes it abundantly clear that he considered Barbossa a valuable partner and the only reason he doesn't just kill them for their betrayal is because of Barbossa's open debt to Gallegos, which they now inherited.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: After Russell and David murder Barbossa, his boss Anton Gallegos demands a sitdown.
  • The Cartel: Russell is tasked with infiltrating the fictional Gallegos Cartel, which is said to supply nearly 40% of the entire cocaine supply to the West Coast.
  • Ultimately subverted in that he never completely loses sight that he's still a cop and helps to dismantle a major supplier.

    deep cover deep cover

    Eventually he's forced to sell crack cocaine for real because his handler doesn't have enough money in the budget to pay for all the stuff he brings in. As he discovers, he's actually pretty good at being a drug dealer. Becoming the Mask: Russell is chosen to become an undercover narcotics officer because his personality is so similar to that of a typical criminal.Not only does he beat one of his minions to death with a pool cue to show his displeasure, he also despises David for no rational reason and attempts to have him murdered after rejecting his synthetic drug plan out of hand. Bad Boss: Felix Barbossa, the underboss of the cartel, isn't an easy guy to work for.Betty is one of David's partners in his synthetic drug scheme, and is also a lawyer who does money laundering for the cartel.David Jason is a drug lawyer who dreams of setting up his own operation producing synthetic drugs.

    Deep cover